Quantum Graph Machine Learning team lead


Shaheen Acheche is the Quantum Graph Machine Learning team lead at Pascal. With his team he is creating new state-of-the-art algorithms that combine machine learning and quantum computing. His previous experience is as Senior Machine Learning Scientist at AQEMIA, where he developed AI and physics-based models for drug discovery. And he worked at Thales SIX, leading AI-driven signal processing and time series projects. Shaheen holds a PhD in Condensed Matter Physics from Université de Sherbrooke and an engineering degree from Ecole Polytechnique.

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Avancées et promesses portées par l'apprentissage automatique quantique

Keynote AI AI Experts Sessions Machine Learning (ML) Quantique IA
15/10/2024 | 15:40 - 16:15 | Salle de Conférence 3